[appsuite-announce] Open-Xchange releases OX Drive app v2.17.0 for Windows

Open-Xchange App Suite Maintenance Announcements appsuite-announce at open-xchange.com
Mon Oct 2 12:30:14 CEST 2023

Dear Customers of Open-Xchange,

Open-Xchange is pleased to announce the release of the OX Drive app v2.17.0 for Windows.

OX Drive enables users to synchronize files between a variety of devices (phones, tablets and laptops) and OX App Suite. OX Drive consists of two elements: the OX Drive component that is built into OX App Suite and the native OX Drive apps. These are designed to work together and ensure high usability and a seamless customer experience on different devices.

What's new in OX Drive app v2.17.0 for Windows:
- File encryption and decryption files using OX Guard through the file context menu
- Dark Mode Support
- Improved App Update mechanism
- Bug Fixes and UX Improvements 

Shipped Packages and Version:
- OX Drive app v2.17.0-rev1 for Windows

Complete Release Notes can be found at:
- https://software.open-xchange.com/products/drive/doc/OX_Drive_for_Windows_Release_Notes_for_Release_2.17.0_2023-10-02.pdf

For details on how to install and update OX Drive please refer to the instructions here:

Best regards,
Your Open-Xchange Team

Open-Xchange AG, Hohenzollernring 72, 50672 Cologne, District Court Cologne HRB 95366
Managing Board: Andreas Gauger, Dirk Valbert, Frank Hoberg, Stephan Martin
Chairman of the Board: Richard Seibt

European Office:
Open-Xchange GmbH, Olper Huette 5f, D-57462 Olpe, Germany, District Court Siegen, HRB 8718
Managing Director: Manuel Engel

US Office:
Open-Xchange. Inc., 530 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

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