[oxse-announce] Open-Xchange releases Public PTF 2011-07-25 for v.6.20
Open-Xchange Server Edition Maintenance Announcements
oxse-announce at open-xchange.com
Tue Jul 26 13:52:21 CEST 2011
Dear Customers of Open-Xchange,
This Release fixes bugs of Open-Xchange Server 6 v.6.20 for all Open-Xchange Server Edition, Open-Xchange Hosting Edition, Open-Xchange Advanced Server Edition and Open-Xchange Server Edition for UCS. We encourage administrators of Open-Xchange v6.20 to install this update. The PTF is available for all customers with a valid Open-Xchange license.
Open-Xchange provides with the new version three main improvements which it is necessary to adapt for the administrator:
- Support of CalDAV for Calendar synchronization and CardDAV for Contacts synchronization
OXtender for Mac OS X will be discontinued due to the fact that the latest version of Apple OS X “Lion” will no longer support Apple SyncServices, which synchronization with OXtender for Mac OS X was based on. To support future synchronization between Open-Xchange Server and Mac OS X application, Open-Xchange implements synchronization functionality that will be using CalDAV and CardDAV protocols. The new synchronization protocols are available for Open-Xchange Server Edition and Open-Xchange Hosting Edition.
Please note: As of today the Open-Xchange CalDAV and CardDAV support is „Beta“ and will be continuously enhanced. With this release only the native OS X applications are supported. The support for other clients e.g. Thunderbird is planned for a future releases. The CardDAV support only synchronizes one address book. Currently the global address book plus the user’s private address book will get merged into one address book on the OS X device.
- Due to incidents in certain Apache/load balancer configurations, insecure easyLogin procedures had explicitly been deprecated. As a replacement a secure login servlet has been provided with the major release v6.20. To enforce transition to secure environments, a configuration switch has been introduced with this Public PTF. The default setting no more allows less secure easy-login access. For details please refer to Change #798 in the configuration Changes chapter of the Release Notes.
- Support for Microsoft Windows Terminal Server 2003
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook has been tested and optimized for operation on Microsoft Windows Terminal Server 2003.
Shipped Packages and Version:
- Open-Xchange Server 6
Version: v6.20.0-Rev20 (2011-07-21)
- OXtender for Business Mobility
Version: v6.20.0-Rev20 (2011-07-21)
- OX Client Updater
Version: v6.18.5 (2011-07-21)
- OXtender 2 for MS Outlook
Version: v7.0.21 (2011-07-21)
You will find the complete Bug Fix-List in the Release Notes:
Open-Xchange Server:http://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/6.20/doc/Release_Notes_for_Public_PTF_2011-07-25.pdf
OXtender 2 for Microsoft Outlook:http://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/6.20/doc/Release_Notes_for_Public_PTF_OLOX2_2011-07-25.pdf
Installation of this PTF:
Server Edition:
Please follow the instructions given at
to install the updates.
Best regards,
Your Open-Xchange Team
Open-Xchange AG, Maxfeldstr. 9, 90409 Nürnberg
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 24738
Vorstand: Rafael Laguna de la Vera,
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Richard Seibt
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